The fact that the highest quality together with “Made in France” were the most important criteria when Bleuforêt chose the printer for its product packaging is hardly a surprise. Imprimerie l’Ormont could precisely supply that.

At the beginning of their cooperation, Imprimerie l’Ormont used paperboard from another manufacturer but after problems with scoring and other irregularities, Invercote G became the primary paperboard for Bleuforêt.

“It has very good printability, is very malleable, and folds well. It keeps its shape, and it is easily machined. Bleuforêt is all about quality. The packaging they use has to follow that, which is why they wanted to use Invercote G,” Francis Bianchi, Technical Director at Imprimerie l’Ormont explains.

“Bleuforêt is all about quality, which is why they wanted to use Invercote G”

— Francis Bianchi, Imprimerie l’Ormont

Bleuforêt Hosiery packaging


Brand: Bleuforêt

Product: Hosiery

Printer: Imprimerie l’Ormont

Paperboard: Invercote G


Created 22 December, 2016.