Osti, which produces the cheese planer, wanted a clear, distinct overall feel that matched the simple design and aesthetic of the product while being as competitive and easy to use as possible.
“Since LAND Designlab was chosen as Osti’s design lead, it has been my clear intention to simplify and optimise Osti’s packaging to minimise cost and resource usage, and maximise quality, product exposure and brand feel,” says Jauer.
“As experts in packaging design, we know that material choice is pivotal. We chose Invercote Creato 350 g/m2 because it clearly outperformed other high-grade paperboards with its superb strength.”
The end result resembles a normal hanger card, but with a twist: The board has no mounting components. “We made two die-cut flaps, opposed upwards and downwards so that when collapsed and inserted through the cheese planer’s cutting hole, they would flip back and hold the planer in a tight grip,” Jauer explains.
“Given the requirements of stability, flexibility and high-tensile fibre strength, we looked at several board options,” he says. “Invercote Creato proved to be the perfect match. The result speaks for itself – it looks and performs stunningly.”
Created 5 May, 2015.