RFSU considers openness to sexuality as the point of entry for health promotion and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS. The rights to sexual and reproductive health services and sexuality education are among the organisation’s guiding principles. RFSU was founded in 1933 and started distributing its own-brand condoms in the 1940s. Since then, it has also added home pregnancy and ovulation kits to the range.

Anette Otterström, Nordic Communication & Brand Manager for RFSU, says Invercote is the packaging material of choice for RFSU’s own-brand condoms, home pregnancy, and ovulation test kits.

“The products are sold across the Nordic region in pharmacies, grocery stores and on the Internet. As they’re consumer products that need to stand out in a retail environment, we expect them to communicate quality, through great printing and clean colours,” Otterström says.

Beyond an attractive packaging design, an organisation like RFSU also needs its products to convey a message of expertise and reliability. Otterström confirms that all these factors played a part in the choice of sustainable packaging material, in this case, Invercote Albato paperboard.

“We tested a number of different boards, but Invercote was the one that stood out as the best in our tests, from the point of view of both printing and production,” she says. “It also fulfills all our requirements in terms of sustainability.”


Customer: RFSU

Designer: Amore Brand Identity

Material used: Invercote Albato 300 g/m2

Printing technique: 4 colour offset printing

Finishing options: Dispersion ­protection varnish

Printer: Trosa tryckeri


Created 23 February, 2016.